Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's been a while

I  haven't been very good about updating this blog! The last several weeks have brought a recurrence of PFS (patellofemoral syndrome - commonly called runner's knee) back that I haven't had for several years. I don't know if it is a change in shoes, diet, or training. I'm actually running less steep trails now than earlier in the year, so it's  hard to blame it on the hills. I did try some minimalist trail shoes but have only put around 40 miles on them, and those  miles were interspersed with wearing other shoes.
These things can be extremely frustrating.

I will be running  my first 50k trail race (the SOB near Ashland, OR) this Saturday. It'll be the longest run I've ever done, and I'm really looking forward to it. However it is at 6500' elevation, and the temperatures are forecast to be in the 90*s. I'm not heat acclimated due to the cool spring and early summer we've suffered through here in the PNW, so the race could be quite a challenge. My plan is to try and drink lots of Gatorade, eat Hammergel every half hour, and maybe take a salt tablet halfway through if I think I need it. I'm hoping to finish in the 4:30 range, but that may be optimistic considering it being  my first effort at this distance and the elevation and temperature.
I'm going to bring three different pairs of shoes and decide on race morning what to wear. I'd really like to wear the Inov-8 X-Talons due to their traction and light weight, but I'm not convinced they aren't what contributed to my current knee problems.

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