Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cedar Butte

I just got back from my first Cedar Butte hill run of the year. The trail was in great shape, and it's nice not to have to blast through brush (a benefit of winter trail running). As always it was great fun through the middle twisty rooty part!

I'm having great fun reading all the backlash from the State of the Union speech. It still amazes me that Obama says the buck stops with him and yet continually blames Bush for all the nations' troubles (not that I'm/was a big GB fan). Geez.

Here I am supporting my business by charging all bills and paying for product with the credit card all due to a big customer who always pays their bill 60+ days late. They don't see or care what this practice does to my business. Arghh. Thankfully I'm starting to get a little bit busier at work now with the phone ringing a little and orders trickling in.

Ran 8 miles today.

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