Monday, March 1, 2010

Long Sunday

My wife, Cherie, and I left the house early to get to the ferry in Seattle with our bicycles for the Chilly Hilly bike ride. The weather was cooperative and the ride was nice if a little crowded. We finished and caught the ferry back to Seattle, then stopped in Bellevue and put in a nice run, then went to the pool and swam. We didn't get home until nearly 6 pm!

I was able to get a run in Saturday with Brendan, a neighbor who coaches high school track and cross country. He's dealing with a hip issue, so we took it fairly easy. I went a little longer after Brendan called it a day and ended up with around 12 miles total. My weekly total running last week hit 52 miles. I'm about ready to start up with some long runs every other week I think - though I want to continue with my weekly hill repeat workout and track workout at least through April before committing to long distance work primarily.

Today (Monday) I did a little over 9 miles including a trip up Cedar Butte. Tomorrow will be an easy 5 or so for recovery so I'm ready for the hill repeats on Wednesday.

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