Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dogs and their owners

I have a dog. I like my dog. I put my dog on a leash when I take him for walks. However in my area (where I run nearly every day) there are many people who do not leash their dogs. This area is a dog-leash area. Many of the unleashed dogs are well behaved and controlled by their owners; some are not well behaved and are controlled by their owners, but a few are both not well behaved and not well controlled by their owners.

During Saturday's run I was threatened by a dog's owner as he recognized me as someone who had defended himself against said owner's dog in the past. This infuriated him to the point he began threatening me. Monday's run up Cedar Butte I was nipped by a large german shephard. During Tuesday's run I was attacked by two dogs whom the owners could not control and was threatened with three more dogs by said owners (after the first two attacked the owners said, "and we have three more here somewhere."). I also have a long standing battle with a thoughtless hind whose dog always rushes at me in attack mode. This gentleman has also threatened me during several of the 'events'.

Some people say I should carry pepper spray, but the cost would be ridiculous. I'd have used over $30 of it just this week. When it got bad last year I started carrying a collapsible baton similar to what the police use on unruly offenders. I've had to deploy it only a couple times and have yet to have to actually strike an attacking animal. So far the sound it makes as I whip it out has been enough to repel the dogs and enrage the owners :)

I haven't carried it on runs for almost a year, but after this week I guess I'll start again. It won't do much good if one of the owners turns on me I suppose, but I don't want to start an arms race!

It's time to go in to battle - er, go for a run I mean. It's a nice morning if a little cold (below freezing) right now, but it is supposed to get in to the mid 50s later today. If I have time I may take my bicycle out this afternoon to get it some exercise.

5 easy miles running today.

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