Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February already?

Wow, time is just flying past my window. I had another browbeating meeting with the career firefighter officer who's supposed to be my lead. My frustration level is very high right now with the department and its efforts.

On another note I googlestalked (tm) a runner who I've seen at many races over the last year. He's way faster than I am in the shorter distance events like the 5k and 10k. I saw a race result from 2008 where I'd beaten him at an event and wondered what he'd done to get so much faster in just a year. I found his online training log. He runs far fewer miles than I but does lots of 200, 400, 800, 1000, and 2000 meter intervals. My guess is he must have dropped at least two and a half minutes from his 10k time in a year. That's mind boggling to me!

So I might try concentrating on some similar training this spring. I won't go whole hawg on it, but definitely will sprinkle some in.

There's a 10k race this weekend at my middle daughter's college in Olympia, but I'm thinking of devoting the day to the StupidBowl instead. Olympia is a long ways to drive for a 10k.

6.3 miles of easy running on still sore legs this morning (3 miles yesterday).


  1. I like the blog! I didn't know "googlestalking" was trademarked, OR a verb. I learned two things today!

    Matt hit the same logic vice trimming his time--you have to run faster if you want to run faster...

    Are you friends with Jessie Pray on fb? She's Rhonda's daughter, and a marathoner. She, Woody, and her brother John (formerly known as J.T.) are all running a marathon together. Maybe it should be a family affair, and you and Cherie could run too? I am not sure which one it is, but you could probably find out.

  2. I just put the tm as a joke as it is such a common usage now!

    So far with running I've pretty much been a marathoner with regard to training. To get faster at shorter races requires quite a different training regimen. I'm thinking of changing focus for a year to shorter races to mix it up a little.

    I know of Jessie through the link to her spanish fly drink you guys sent me a year or two ago.
