Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl (tm) Sunday!

It's Superbowl (tm) time, and it looks to be a good game this year! Cherie and I will likely go to an SB party to watch the game with friends this year. Actually I'll watch the game and Cherie will mostly watch the people I'll bet.

Ski patrol last night featured spring skiing conditions (corn snow) which is pretty sad for the first week in February. It's looking like it'll be a short season this year.

This week Arielle (middlest daughter) got her car smashed. A friend was following her to an event when Arielle stopped and the friend ran in to the back of Arielle's car. Her car is driveable but totalled from a repair cost standpoint.

I did a hill repeat workout this morning featuring a five mile warm up, 6 x max effort repeats up a steep 300 meter hill, then 1.75 mile cool down. It was a good workout, and I'm sure my legs will feel it tomorrow. As soon as Cherie gets back from her run we'll go to the pool and swim some laps before heading to the SB party. Busy day!

9 miles running today, 500 meters swimming.
5 miles yesterday and 4 the day before that. Next week will be a cutback (recovery) week.

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