Sunday, February 21, 2010


What an amazing week weather wise in the PNW! It was nearly 60* today with nary a cloud in the sky. Yesterday was a track day for me with 6 x 800 m repeats and a total of 8 miles. Today I did an aerobic 13 miles in only a t-shirt! That put me at 54 miles for the week which is good for me at this time of year. Hopefully the base I'm building now will translate to faster race times this summer and fall.
I worked on one of my motorcycles today too - solving (I think) a random loss of power issue it has had since I got it (and the reason I got it so cheaply). It was a pretty easy fix with no $$ involved too - the best kind. A test ride went well enough that now Cherie and I are going to go for a short ride.

13.2 miles running today.

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